What Makes a Good UX/UI Design: 10 Tips For Expectational Design

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In today’s digital world, where user interfaces and experiences play a pivotal role in determining the success of websites and applications, a good UX and UI design is paramount. From intuitive navigation to visually appealing layouts, a well-crafted UX/UI design can significantly impact user satisfaction, engagement, and conversions. The user’s impression of the website’s UI/UX greatly influences their buying decision.

In this comprehensive blog, we’ll discuss what is UI and UX design and discuss the tips that help make good web design solutions.

All About UX/UI Design

Before we discuss some of the important tips to make a good UX and UI design, let’s develop a clarification on UI and UX.

UI (User Interface): UI, or User Interface is the point of interaction between a user and a digital device or software application. UI focuses on the aesthetic elements of design, including visual components like buttons, icons, colour schemes, and typography. It deals with the overall look and feel of an interface.

UX (User Experience): UX, or User Experience is the overall quality of a user’s interaction regarding a product, service, or system. It consists of the overall usability, ease of navigation, and the emotional response users have when interacting with the interface.

UX/U Design: Tips to Follow

User-Focused Design: Before starting with the design, UX and UI design companies in India develop an understanding of the target audience. Prioritises users’ needs, preferences, and pain points to create the best design within your solution design group catering to the requirements of all.

Intuitive Navigation: Clear and intuitive navigation is important to have a seamless user experience. Make sure to organise navigation menus, buttons, and links in a logical way, making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for.

Use consistent and common UX/UI design: Consistency in UX/UI design solution, like colours, fonts, and layout, creates a cohesive and harmonious user interface. This ensures that users can easily identify and understand various application parts. Moreover, by using common elements in your, users feel more comfortable and are able to perform activities more quickly.

Quick Loading Time: Slow-loading pages eventually results in a shift of users. Thus, optimising load times through efficient coding and image compression is important for a good UI design and UX design.

Engaging Visuals: Visually appealing designs, from images and icons to colour schemes and typography, can capture and hold users’ attention. Well-designed visuals evoke emotions and contribute to a positive user experience.

Use typography to create hierarchy and clarity- Carefully look at the ways to use typeface. Different sizes, fonts, and arrangement of the text helps boost scannability, legibility and readability.

Accessibility: A good UI/UX design is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Include features such as alt text for images, keyboard navigation, and clear text-to-speech functionality in your design.

User Testing and Iteration: Regular user testing and feedback help work on the loop areas while creating outstanding UX/UI design solutions. Continuous improvement based on real user input leads to a more user-centric and effective design.

Personalization: Personalising content and interactions based on user behaviour and preferences enhances user engagement and satisfaction.

Clear Calls to Action (CTAs): CTAs guide users on their journey, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up, or learning more. They should stand out, be action-oriented, and be strategically placed for maximum impact.


Creating an effective UX/UI design system is important towards delivering exceptional user experiences. A good design is a blend of aesthetics, functionality, user-centred principles etc. that together help create an exceptional user experience. To get a good UI/UX designed, it is important to hire professionals who can establish a cohesive and scalable design system fostering consistency, usability, and innovation.

To get web design solutions that remain relevant and impactful in the long run, reach out to the experts at Kodehash Technologies, UX/UI Design companies in India, who completely understand your needs and meet up the expectations of your users.


About The Author

Jaya Garg

Jaya Garg is a senior content writer at Kodehash Technologies with focus on creating content related to the latest technology solutions. Utilizing years of experience, she creates informative and engaging articles that bridge the gap between innovation and understanding. Jaya is passionate about researching the software development trends and making them accessible to tech-savvy enthusiasts.