Revamp Your Brand Image: Proven Online Reputation Management Tactics 

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Your business is online, which means online reputation management plays a bigger role in your digital credibility. In this digital age, a brand’s reputation is everything that makes or breaks your business’s success. One negative review, a small negative post, or a single dissatisfied client post is enough to damage your professional reputation. This negative impact can turn into a positive only with ORM services. This is a service that not only manages positivity for your brand but also makes sure to shape your public perception. 

In this blog, before we jump into online reputation management, there are a few things, we should consider before entering into ORM services. 

What is Online Reputation Management?

Online Reputation Management is the process of shaping, monitoring, and improving people’s perception of the brand or the business in this digital space. This process is becoming important because nowadays online conversations about businesses are the normal norm. The ORM services strategies include SEO, Social Media or PR outreach, and Campaigns. It covers managing complaints, sharing positive posts, and creating a well-established brand image on social media. 

A positive reputation helps to receive customer loyalty and better chances to drive revenue and growth. At the same time, a negative reputation will damage sales and customer retention. The negative conclusion also gives us a learning to understand the customer first. Learn to recognize their likes and dislikes. So in the end company can update business processes to better meet consumer needs. 

Today you can find, that brands are more vulnerable in 2024, compared to earlier businesses. Do you know why? The answer is, that approximately  91% of the consumers believe in online reviews before a purchase.  Positive reviews always create a good business image and increase trust and conversion rates while negative reviews distance the business from potential customers. 

The Growing Need for ORM Services

In this digital landscape, technological advancement is raising the importance of ORM services. Neither companies nor people can afford to sit idly and let the watch go around without managing their image and brand. All businesses need to stay relevant and competitive all the time. 

Consider these statistics:

  • 86% of consumers are wary of buying from a business with poor reviews.
  • 90% of job seekers use the internet to research potential employers before applying.
  • It is shocking to find that 79% of people completely trust the information found on the internet, especially reviews.

Given these numbers, it’s clear that online reputation management is essential for protecting and growing your brand’s presence. Kodehash offers comprehensive ORM services to ensure your brand shines online.

Why ORM Services Matter for Your Business?

Why ORM services matters for your business

Let’s break down the top reasons why ORM is important for your businesses:

  • First Impression Counts: The proverb “ First impression lasts long” is not wrong in the ORM case. Your brand’s first impression always matters. In this fast-paced world, consumers use search engines for reviews to make instant judgments. The negative content will break the trust of customers towards your business. And the positive content will help to create the right first impression. 
  • Trust and Credibility: A business is impossible without trust. Consistent positive feedback helps to convert your potential customers. According to a survey 88% of people trust family and friends’ recommendations and positive reviews for a product or service. However, after all, word of mouth is the most ancient and popular public relations strategy.  Because here trust plays a crucial role in influencing buying decisions. 
  • Increase Sales:  Higher customer traffic builds a better online reputation. And this better reputation helps in increasing better sales. According to studies, the higher the rating numbers, the higher the conversion rate. It helps customers to purchase more from a company with numerous positive reviews. 
  • Crisis Management: There is not a single business available in today’s digital pace, that is not facing challenges. Every business is going through its fair share of challenges. The critics, negative comments on social media platforms, and negative press news are increasing the changes of these challenges. In this stage, online reputation management can help businesses counter such blunders with immediate response swiftly. ORM services can manage professionally and minimize the damage percentage. 
  • SEO Support:  Whatever strategies you may use for your business, if your ORM services are not good then everything goes in vain. Because a well-managed reputation will not only work for customers but also give the best support to search engines. Google encourages those websites that create positive interactions. A well-managed ORM strategy will help in improving search engine rankings. 

What Kodehash Offers in its  ORM Services?

Kodehash offers the best ORM services to meet 2024’s unique business needs. Our ORM strategies are created for your brand protection, best online presence, and to enhance your online reputation. 

Here are the key ORM services we offer:

  • Review Management

ORM services consist of managing and controlling online reviews. Whatever the platform, be it Google, Yelp or any corporate review site, Kodehash makes sure to manage your brand’s review in a professional manner. The team at Kodehash actively promotes positive reviews. And manage negative reviews strategically. 

  • Brand Monitoring

Real-time brand monitoring is the key focusing area of the Kodehash ORM team. In our service, we enable businesses to monitor the mentions, reviews, and comments made on the brand across the website. We make sure there should be a loop for negative reviews to slip away. 

  • Content Creation

Positive content is always a plus point for online reputation management. Thus, Kodehash managed to manage it by assisting in creating articles, blogs, and press releases to focus on the brand’s strengths.  It will push the unfavorable content further down the search results. 

  • Crisis Management

Kodehash’s crisis management includes a wide range of strategies to work on striking negative news and reviews. The team strives to limit the negative effects of receiving bad publicity for a business. At the same time, we develop long-term plans to rebuild the affected image of the business. 

  • Social Media Management

Social media plays a vital part in making or breaking a brand’s reputation. As your social media partner, Kodehash will make sure to reflect the positive side of your brand. We engage with your targeted audience and respond to their questions or complaints to turn the interactions towards healthy positive relationships. 

  • SEO Reputation Management

Kodehash  ORM services include SEO within its effective strategies. We optimise your website and online presence to make sure of rank high in search engines. We work on positive content to rank higher than negative content by improving your overall online visibility. 

The Impact of ORM on Different Domains

Every industry has its own set of reputation challenges. Let’s explore How online reputation management is beneficial across different sectors: 

  • Healthcare

Patients are nowadays consulting with online reviews before choosing a physician, clinic, or hospital. ORM services support medical institutions to manage their online reputation. The services make sure to maintain a trustworthy and professional image. 

  • Retail and eCommerce

Customer feedback is important for retail and eCommerce industries. A single negative feedback or complaint can close your business doors to hundreds of customers. Here ORM services help businesses to recover from negative feedback and turn it into a positive shopping experience. 

  • Hospitality

Reputation is one thing that the hospitality industry cannot afford to lose. Guests always look for ways to find actual reviews before booking hotels or dining at restaurants.  Therefore ORM plays a significant role for the hospitality businesses. It helps to perceive the business in a certain positive way 

  • Real Estate

It is important to establish a good reputation for real estate. On renting or selling a property, clients depend on the online list and reviews before hiring the right agent or selecting a property. ORM makes it possible for real estate businesses to market themselves in such a way that clients will be assured of getting quality services.

  • Education

Online reputation plays a crucial role in educational institutions. Students and parents use advanced searches to find information about it. ORM guarantees schools and universities present the correct image.

How Kodehash Stands Out in ORM Services 

Kodehash offers unique tailored ORM services to its partners. The services include robust strategies and state-of-the-art tools to make it one of the top choices for ORM services for you. Check out how: 

  • Personalized Solutions: Kodehash understands very well that every business is unique in its own way. Our ORM programs align your business objectives and requirements at the very first before preparing strategies. 
  • Experienced Team: Our experienced professionals in the team always focus on different ORM aspects to meet your business goals. Whether it’s content creation or setting Local SEO strategies. 
  • Proactive Approach: Kodehash never waits for a crisis to occur. It takes a proactive approach to manage your online reputation. The team counterbalances and blocks materials that spread negativity and works towards spreading good and healthy information. 
  • Data-Driven: ORM strategies can be effectively evaluated by using analytics & data. This enables us to always tweak our approach to fit the desired impact.

The Financial Impact of Good Reputation 

Where a good reputation exists, companies’ customers and suppliers, employees, partners, contractors, and related organizations are more likely to have better financial returns.

It’s not just about perception, there is actual tangible evidence that having a good online reputation increases revenues. Here’s how:

Increase in Revenue: Business organizations that have a good image on the web experience high sales. It was established that 57% of buyers will pay additional cash for a brand that has a positive image.

Cost Reduction: Effective ORM can save large amounts of money with regard to customers and crisis-solving. It is much cheaper to avoid a reputation crisis than to try and correct one.

Competitive Advantage: In this case, it was also important to note that competitive industries put a huge emphasis on having a good reputation. Companies, which have many positive comments on the Internet are preferred by customers, to similar companies.

ORM Services  in 2024 and Beyond

ORM Services in 2024 and Beyond

The evolving technology is increasing online reputation management’s value. Here are a few trends to watch out for in the coming years: 

  • AI and Automation

ORM with artificial intelligence helps businesses to monitor and manage their online image more efficiently. AI tools’ features offer real-time information as well as response to customer complaints automatically. 

  • Customer Experience 

Brand communications require a more personal approach to consumer submissions. ORM approaches will have to work on developing more specific responses. Also need to include engagements in a bid to satisfy the consumers.

  • Video and Visual Content

A primary trend that has been observed is the use of videos in brand messaging. Businesses will have to work towards developing all the positive visual content that is important in enhancing their image.

  • Enhanced Transparency

Online reputation management succeeds with a transparent vision. It is a fact that consumers give importance to honesty and transparency from brands. If you open your business then it will bring good results in your business. 

Final Thoughts

Day by day, online reputation management is increasing its demand. 2024’s value will multiply in the coming years because of the increasing number of consumers. The more the consumers, the more dependency on online reviews and digital content. It will help businesses to make decisions as they cannot afford negative reviews or can’t neglect their online presence. 

To solve these problems, Kodehash is here to help.  Our ORM services are here to build a good reputation and interact positively with the online world. Kodehash at your side, helps to focus on building a brand that customers will trust and value. 

At Kodehash, our ORM services provide a wide range of strategies to protect your business from negative content. Work towards improving your online visibility and increasing your sales. Our ORM is not just a service, it is an important aspect in today’s digital world. Whether you are a startup or an established business, take charge of your online reputation with Kodehash today. 

About The Author

Alok Kumar

Alok Kumar is a dedicated and results-driven SEO Executive currently contributing his expertise to the dynamic team at Kodehash Technologies. With a passion for digital marketing and a keen understanding of search engine optimization strategies, Alok plays a crucial role in enhancing online visibility and driving organic traffic for clients.